Ma 2025. március 7. péntek - Tamás napja van. Holnap Zoltán napja lesz.


Sukoró is home to two historical Churches and has a significant Catholic and Calvinist congregation. Both communities practice their faith in beautiful old churches. Further information on these churches is available under the Sights menu.

Calvinist Parish
Calvinist church
Sukoró, Fő str. 66.

Every Sunday from 10am.

Ábel Kardos,
Calvinist minister

Mobile: +36 (30) 552-3857
Church visits on dates previously agreed upon:  Ernőné Sági 06-20-588-7074
 Roman Catholic Church of Saint Ignatius
Catholic church
Sukoró, Öreg str. 19.

Every Sunday from 09:30

Norbert István Récsei 
Mobile: +36 (30) 547-4113

Parish: 2481 Velence, Fő str. 70.
Tel: 06 (22) 472-149
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