Ma 2025. március 13. csütörtök - Krisztián, Ajtony napja van. Holnap Matild napja lesz.

If I get hungry...

Gémeskút Restaurant

Addresse: 8096 Sukoró,Fehérvári str. 25/a
Telephone: +36 (22) 476-079, +36 (22) 476-305
mobile: +36 (20) 973-7035

Seasonal opening hours:
V.01.-IX.15.: 12:00-22:00, every day
Off season opening hours:
Friday-Sunday: 12:00-21:00
Parking available
Seats for 300 people of which 150 are outside
The Gémeskút Restaurant is located in an atmospheric environment, with a view of Lake Velence by the shadoof that gave it its name. The restaurant is a great place for a atmospheric lunch or dinner and is also ideal for events for several hundreds of people. More information can be found on: or
Boglya Inn
Addresse: 8096 Sukoró, Fő str. 31.
Telephone: +36 (22) 476-000

Seasonal opening hours:
 III. 15.-XI. 30.: everyday 12:00-21:00
 Off season opening hours:
 Saturday-Sunday 12:00-21:00
Seats for 90 people of which 60 are outside
Found in the quiet main street in a building that used to be a farmhouse, the restaurant welcomes its guests with traditional meals.
Mandula confectionary
Addresse: 8096 Sukoró, Petőfi str. 7/2.
Telephone: +36 (70) 455-2092

Opening hours:
In season everyday between 10h- 19h.
Open: Spring, autumn opening hours:
March 1st – June 15th  and September 1st – October 30th – closed Monday and Tuesday
Winter :closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Készítette: NeoSoft